Move through

Being caught in a situation where we can’t see a way out, puts a lot of strain on a human mind, and will continue to do so until we make a choice. A choice to go through all that is coming our way, and in the process, become stronger.

This choice is not easy to make because our first instinct, when met with adversity, is to run. That doesn’t work, it only delays the outcome. We are stronger than we give ourselves credit, but for this strength to surface, we need to go straight through the storm, not hide from it.

For some of us, life resembles a permanent storm, but the simple fact that you are still alive means you are strong enough. Strong enough to break free from what is blocking your progress.

The cage each of us creates in the mind can only be escaped by expanding our minds, and in doing so allowing ourselves to go past any obstacle in our way.

All that is thrown in our path is not there to stop us. It’s there to make us strong enough for the next obstacle we will encounter.

All of us have wounds that still hurt even if they can’t be seen. We do the best we know how to move forward and live our lives. It is not mandatory to do this on our own. It is fine to ask for help, or at least accept the help offered to us.

Sometimes all I feel is pain and being lost, but I have learned that with time and love comes healing. Love has the ability to change everything for the better, especially when we are the ones giving it.

I don’t know if your wounds still hurt, what I know is that for them to close, you must give up what caused them.