
In spite of fear

All that you feel is there to help you make better sense of the world. But for them to do that, you need to stop being afraid of them. Emotion is your body’s way of communicating with you because sometimes your body knows things before your mind can make sense of them.

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About me

About me

I am a simple man going about life the best way he knows how. A man who believes hearing the truth is a blessing, even when it hurts.

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About me

About me

I am a simple man going about life the best way he knows how. A man who believes hearing the truth is a blessing, even when it hurts.

I’ve started my story long before I even knew it was mine. It’s time I come to terms with this.

I believe we come into this world to give as much of ourselves as we can. It is a path I have chosen late in my life, but I intend to follow it till the end.

I know I want to learn as much as I can and get better each day and help anyone do the same.

I choose to build everyone up. I hope I can do that through the words I set free.

I believe that my part is to use my words to open people’s eyes, to speak to their hearts and their minds. I’ll do this for as long as the words will keep coming, even when each one cuts me open.

My Book

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