Meaning on everything

We put meaning on everything because that is how we make sense of the world. This is both, a good and a bad thing. Good because it allows us to put a beautiful story around a bad event, and bad because it allows us to put a bad story around a good event. The choice is ours every time.

Life flows from the present to the future, it never makes detours to the past. Nothing that already happened can be changed, it can only be made peace with. If we are not able to make peace with the past, we will always have to pull the weight of our regrets everywhere.

People are not designed to remain unchanged, but many of us try to avoid change for as long as possible. At times, avoiding change becomes more important than what the experience means.

The person you think you are is made up of a bunch of stories you accepted to be true. Those stories don’t need to be the same for all your life. They shouldn’t. You need to learn how to embrace the stories that can bring value to your life, and give up the ones that hurt you. This is an ability that can be developed through practice, once a conscious decision to do so is made.

Nothing that I, or anyone else, can tell you will ever be able to affect you in any way until you decide to accept those things as true. Please be careful what you accept as true because your life depends on it.

Finding strength when there seems to be none feels impossible, but we need to do it because it’s the only way to get ourselves out of whatever is keeping us trapped.

We are not all the same, but even if we don’t want to admit it, we go through the same torments and have the same insecurities. What is different about us, is the way we choose to answer when something that seems impossible to overcome appears in our life.

This answer needs to be a deliberate choice and not a reaction to what is happening. By passing what happens through our thought process, we better understand the world, and our actions are better fit to help us move forward.

Mistakes are a given, and that is fine. This is how we learn. This is how we evolve. What is required from each of us is not perfection, but rather to do the best we can at any moment. Seeing things like this, will take the pressure off our minds, and will allow us to have better results in all aspects of life.

Learning from our mistakes is a better way of action than running from them. Even if we manage to run from some, new ones will find us. So, we better be prepared.