Silence the world outside

I know enough about this life to know I know nothing. I woke up full of energy and will and I promised myself that this day I’m going to start finding the story inside my story and the right way to arrange the scenes I’ve written will reveal to me.

A few times in my life I thought I reached a place where I knew enough to help me set the path I needed to follow further. Just when I thought things are clear and my path is laid out, life took a detour and I was once again in a place I know nothing about.

I have to admit that every time this happens I hate it, but at the same time I can’t deny the growth. Because of the surprises in my life, I have become wiser and stronger. I have become a better man.

Can I step up and act upon my dreams or am I just talking about them because it makes me feel good about myself?

A lot of thoughts come to me when during the day and many of them weigh me down. Few of them are more valuable than gold because they reveal truths about who I am. Some of the things revealed this way are hard to accept because they are not in line with how I see myself.

I am grateful for every bit of truth I uncovered about myself because it helps me evolve in ways I couldn’t before.

As a man that is trying to keep an equilibrium between heart and brain as the base of acting, I found out that my heart is closer to who I am. That is why I pass all that I know through my heart first and then through my mind.

Too many choices. There are too many choices in today’s world. It’s becoming harder to make sense of all the information coming at you. For many of us, this abundance of information acts like a maze keeping us away from finding out who we really are and what we really want.

We must learn to silence the world outside and only let in what speaks to our hearts. Doing this won’t be easy and it’s something we need to do every day. It gets tiring and we won’t manage to do it each day.

In the days we succeed, the clarity obtained will be worth it. It will allow us to make decisions on the few things that matter to us and when the world barges in again we will have a bit more strength and clarity. Over time, we will become better at keeping the world at bay.