Living means action

Waiting can’t be a substitute for acting. That is why I must act upon my thoughts or nothing will happen.

My life is mine to live. Living means action and I am ready to act. All of my waiting has added to nothing. Now that I understand why, I hope I will be able to take action and work on my dreams.

For so long I’ve been waiting for the right time, for the right people, for the right circumstances. By doing this I wasn’t paying attention to what was in front of me.

I am trying to move past my prejudices and step into a world where any time is the right time, all people are the right people and all circumstances are right. I am aware this kind of world can only be in my mind, but it will guide me through the real world. I promise to act upon my dreams every day in every way I know.

I feel that I’m forced to play a role that is not fit for me. Waking up into a life that doesn’t belong to me is a scary experience. Yet, I’m doing it every day. All the responsibilities I need to consider are draining my energy.

My dreams had to be left behind for me to fit into this world. What use is surviving if I’ve left the best parts of me to die? I was unaware of what I was doing, but this doesn’t justify it.

I owe myself the chance of fulfilling some of my dreams. I will start with the dream of healing souls with my words. I’ll let my words do what I can’t do in any other way.

I don’t know if what I’m doing is right. All I know is, it feels right to me and that is enough for now.