Mirror of the world

You are nothing but a mirror of the world you live in. The thing is that, just like all other mirrors, you have some cracks and scuffs, so what you reflect gets distorted. Until now, you tried to hide those defects, you tried to ignore them, in an attempt to convince yourself that the surface of your mirror is perfect.

This approach only left you blind to the way your view of the world gets distorted. It’s time to understand that when you acknowledge every little defect on the surface of the mirror, that’s when you can make better sense of the image you see.

You might find it hard to believe, but when you see the cracks in the mirror, that’s when they stop affecting you.

From now on, you can face the world with more confidence because what you base your actions on is closer to the truth. Once you can see the truth you can internalize it any way you want, and that’s fine, as long as you do it by choice.

You must remember that everything in your life implies a choice. If you don’t do it consciously, the choice will be made for you, by the situation, by another person, by your inaction.

Make sure that you are always the one making the choices, and once made, be at peace with them. Choices change your reflection of the world, and when you understand how they do that, you’ll be able to have a life you enjoy.

Most people tend to see themselves as less than they are, and you are no exception. Why is that? Why is it difficult to see that you are just as good, if not better than other people? You have no problem seeing potential in someone else, but when it comes to yourself, you become blind to what is good.

It’s not fair to treat yourself this way. Everyone needs someone to support them, and you do too. Why not be your own cheerleader? It would make things so much easier.

Take a look in the mirror, and notice what you see. Analyze the person in the mirror as if he were a stranger. There are many good traits in the person in front of you, so why haven’t you seen them until now? This selective blindness when it comes to your person comes from how you’ve been shaped until now.

All that you believe about yourself is not always true. The more lies you tell yourself, the harder it becomes to keep it all together. If you don’t take time to see which of your beliefs are true, life will force you to see the truth, and it will not do it at a convenient time.

All the traits that you admire in others, you have them also, but you have never taken the time to notice them. If you don’t know how to do anything, and you can do nothing, how did you manage to get here? The answer is that you know, and can do more than you give yourself credit for.