Purpose finds you

You’ve been spending so much time looking for a purpose that can make everything all right in your life. Purpose usually finds you, but until then, you should experiment, and learn things, so when it does, you are ready for it.

In the meantime, you can choose to serve something that is bigger than you, even if it’s only for a while. Later, you can let it go if it’s no longer what you want. To find what you are meant to do in this world is a matter of trying things until you find what is right for you.

If you are lucky, this will happen early in life, but if you are like most people, it will take a while to figure it out. Don’t see this as a failure, and try to enjoy as much as you can in this search for meaning. And while you are learning who you are, try to help others do the same.

The life you lived might have taught you that you are alone, but that is not true. Look at the progress you’ve made. That was possible because some people helped you along the way. The support you needed the most came either from family, from a friend, or a random stranger. And you did the same for others, sometimes without realizing it.

You can’t find something different if you keep searching in the same places. So, connect to people, expose yourself to people, expose yourself to different ideas, and what you are looking for might just find you, sooner and with less effort.

How long do you have to work on something before you know if it’s taking you where you need to go, or not? This is something you have to decide by assessing how important the thing is to you, and also why it is important.

Some things, you’ll know from the start that they are for you, and others you’ll know they are not for you. They are the easy ones because everything is clear. What do you do when things are not that clear? When you have worked for so long for something, only to discover that what you are pursuing no longer matters to you, that it never did?

Giving up all that you did is terrifying. The simple thought of it triggers your anxiety. But what is the alternative? For you to keep moving in a direction that takes you away from everything that makes you feel alive, only because you are afraid to give up on what you know, even when is no longer good for you?

Stop for a moment, and judge the situation with no pressure. One option is to stay the same, do things in the same way, and probably have the same results, while feeling drained all the time. The second option implies that you bring into the world the change that already started inside.

You feel the way you feel because who you are inside no longer fits with your life until now. You will try to deny that you started to change, but you’ll have to accept it when it will be too painful to be someone else. Stop lying to yourself, and go with what makes you feel alive. Life is too short for anything else.