
Is there nothing in there? Is there nothing inside that makes you happy to be alive? There must still be something, but you ignore it for so long that you can’t see it anymore. You’ve been focusing on what you thought was important, only to discover the pursuit you were on left you empty.

You are not only the things you’ve been focusing on. There is a lot more inside of you, and now is the time to rediscover some of the things you ignored. Deep down you’ll find something important to you, and once you’ll give it attention, you’ll remember that.

Along the path you are now, you got confused to believe that what everyone is chasing is what you should be chasing. Well, that proved to be false. You need to be chasing the things that make you feel alive. You know what they are, in the back of your mind you always did. Well, now it’s time to do something about it.

Don’t focus on what people will say, or how people will see you, because then you will never act on what matters to you. Focus on what you know to be true about yourself. Focus on those things that breathe life into you.

When your time in this world ends all that counts is how good of a friend you’ve been to yourself, and others. So, stop holding yourself back from what you need to do. The obstacles you’ll meet on your path, are there because you can get past them. It takes effort, but it’s doable.

Do you still remember having wings? That feeling you used to get as a child when something new and extraordinary happened? Where is it now? What changed? Yes, growing up changes things, but even if life gets more difficult, there is no justification for losing the courage to fly.

As a child, you learned about the world with enthusiasm and you learned about what you can do. As an adult, you mostly learn what you can’t do, and that is not fair. The thing is, you are the one who chooses what you focus on. So, if you don’t like it, you are the one who needs to make a change.

Until now, you listened to what the world told you should be, and you started to forget who you really are. There is no more enthusiasm in anything that you do because you’re not doing it for yourself. Learn to do things for the joy of doing them, not because you need to tick some boxes. In doing so, you might get back some of that feeling that gave you wings as a child.

Let yourself be guided by the enthusiasm or lack of it, you experience when doing something. Do new things, things that you might not be comfortable with, things that will force you to explore, yourself, and the world. In short, do whatever you can to learn how to fly again. Life is too short to spend it all on the ground.