Share the knowledge

What’s the point in keeping for yourself everything that you know? What’s the benefit? History is an example that the one thing that helped us evolve as humans, and as a society, was that we learned to work together.

You got used to working by yourself. And you’re pretty good at that, but there are moments when you could use some help. But you don’t want to ask for it because that means that you can’t do the work by yourself, and that means that you are not good enough.

So, your solution was to learn as much as you could. A lot more than other people. You saw this as a way to be better than them, to do more than them. The one thing you didn’t consider is that it is impossible to know everything. As it is impossible to do everything alone.

Maybe it’s time to share what you know with other people. Maybe it’s time to accept that you don’t know everything. And maybe it’s time to accept that you need some help.

The purpose of your actions should be to make progress in life, and that means that sometimes you’ll have to give up the spotlight. Let people know what you know. Allow yourself to learn from everyone. Make an effort to work together, and you will be surprised by the results.

You might succeed on your own, but the road is easier, and more enjoyable when you don’t have to make it alone.

Since you started working on yourself a lot changed about your views, but what changed the most is how you see people. Everything used to be only about you, and it still is sometimes, but now you see people, you are interested in who they are and what they have to say.

Strangely this interest in other people helped you learn a lot about yourself. You have learned that you like people, that you like rooting for their success, and when asked, you are happy to help.

You started this journey full of insecurities and fears, believing that everyone in this world is against you. With every new thing you found out about yourself, your insecurities got smaller, and with every new thing you learned about the world, your fears got smaller.

Now you are calm enough, and wise enough to see people for what they are. They are all scared and they all try to do the best they know. They don’t have time or interest to think about you. Most of them don’t even know you exist.

Knowing this, is hard to believe the world is against you, and is hard not to help when asked. Keep paying attention to people and the world. Learn all that you can, and don’t be afraid to be of service. Find joy in seeing people succeed, even if the successes are small because everyone needs a win sometimes.