In spite of fear

There’s a fear you’ve been carrying inside for a long time, and even if you can’t find a reason for it, you still can’t let it go. It was never able to stop you from doing what needed to be done, but it makes things harder than they need to be. Also, it takes the fun out of them.

Lately, you’ve been trying to leave fear behind, and just focus on what you have to do. It works for a while, but then, out of nowhere, you start to be afraid of things you shouldn’t be afraid of. When this happens, there’s a thumping in your head, that grows slowly until it threatens to be the only thing you feel.

It takes a lot of effort to focus on what is happening, and not on what is going on in your head. Probably, there’s an easier way to control how you feel about things, but you only know that things need to be done, regardless of how you feel about them.

Keep doing what must be done, in spite of your fears. With time, you’ll be affected by them less often, until they stop being an obstacle to your evolution. Don’t be confused, fear will always be there, waiting in the dark. It will wait for you to have doubts and insecurities, and if you let it, it will grow again.

To make fear powerless, you must become comfortable with it. This way, it will not affect the way you do things. It will only make you pay attention to aspects you might be missing. And that is all that fear is supposed to be doing

Do you know where your feelings come from? Do you understand where are they coming from? You are going about life without noticing the way your body is trying to let you know if a situation is good for you, or not.

Every feeling that comes up has a reason to exist, and no matter how much you ignore it, it won’t go away without being acknowledged and understood. Ask yourself where is this feeling coming from. What happened to make me feel this way? What have I done to make me feel this way?

After you identify the reason this feeling exists, you will need to analyze if the way you reacted is correct. Your feelings are trying to make you notice things that you’ve been ignoring. And the more you ignore them, the stronger the feelings become.

All that you feel is there to help you make better sense of the world. But for them to do that, you need to stop being afraid of them. Emotion is your body’s way of communicating with you because sometimes your body knows things before your mind can make sense of them.

Never run away from what you feel. The only way to subdue a feeling is to face it, to understand it, and then to let it go. None of your feelings is meant to stay with you forever because they transform into something that can do you harm. So, feel what you feel, deal with it, and then let it go.