Do your best

Where have you been? Did you manage to get any rest, or are you just as tired as before? There is a lot that you are trying to do, so it’s natural that from time to time you feel the need to get away for a while.

This was the case for the break you just took, so there’s no need to feel guilty. But now that you are back, you need to tend to your responsibilities again. They haven’t taken a break, instead, they piled up, and they seem even more difficult to face.

Remember that not all things that ask for your attention are of the same importance. Some of the things you believe you have to do… well, they need to be given up. No matter how hard you try, there is no way to do everything. And moving forward, you’ll have to consider this.

Do what you can in every situation, but if it’s not enough, or it’s not good enough, try to look for the lessons.

You’re not supposed to do things perfectly from the beginning. You might never do them perfectly, but that’s not the point. It’s never about things you do, but rather about how doing them changes you.

Stop trying to do everything at once, and stop expecting to be good at things you have never done. Take days as they come, do your best, and try to enjoy what life brings your way. Your time is precious, so enjoy it before it runs out.

In the last week, things went in a way that you don’t like. Some of the things that are important, you haven’t done them, and it’s bothering you inside. Why do you feel this way? It’s not like you can’t move things around to make room for what you have to do, and for what you want to do.

All that you want to do is doable, but not at the same time. And you can’t do something right if you don’t commit. So, don’t think of everything that you have to do. Just pick the first thing, and start on it. Make as much progress with the information available and your abilities.

Your responsibility is to make as much progress as you can, and if you get to finish the thing, then that’s a bonus. Not many people are able to approach life this way because we’ve been taught that the result is all that matters.

Well, it’s not completely true. While it is important to get to the results, your transformation takes place between start and finish. It’s in between where the lessons are, it’s also where pain and failure can be found. If you are lucky, while you are focused on doing the thing, you become a new person, a better person, a wiser person.

Make room in your life for all that is necessary. Move things around until you find a way that works, and then start with the first thing in front of you. Don’t forget to focus on the progress.