
Life asks a lot from you sometimes, but you have the habit of asking even more from yourself. It is good to have a good standard for how you do things, but that is meant to help you do them better, not to keep working on a single thing, trying to make it perfect.

Perfection should not be the focus of what you do, because no matter how good you do it, still won’t be good enough. On the other hand, giving it your best is a better, and more realistic, approach because it takes away the pressure of perfection. While perfection is always unattainable, your best is always available.

Going forward, your best is all that you should ask of yourself because that’s the best you can do. And when you do your best, there are no more reasons left to blame yourself for what went wrong. If you did your best, it means that you did everything that was in your control. All other aspects, that you can do nothing about, should not be of concern to you.

All of us struggle to understand that life is about doing what you can with what you have. Doing the best of it means that you are not wasting energy on things that you can’t do something about. So, what are the things you can do, and what are the things you can do better? This is all that you should focus on.

All that comes your way can be overwhelming, and it can cause confusion, but if you shift your focus to what you can do with what you’ve been given, then everything becomes a little easier.

Keep your calm. It is the best thing to do in any situation because it allows you to make better decisions. A calm mind is a clear mind, and in this confusing world you’re living in, a clear mind is always a plus.

Calm does not mean insensitive or indifferent to what goes around you. It only means that you don’t jump to conclusions when something happens. Instead, you take time to analyze the situation, notice your emotions, make sense of them, and then act in a prepared and concise manner.

Many times, things change so fast that an emotional response is almost unavoidable, but if you manage to stay calm and question the emotion, it becomes easier to see the right thing to do. Being alive means that you deal with uncertainty every day, while always looking for certainty.

While being calm can’t bring certainty, it can bring clarity, and being clear on what is going on makes finding a solution easier. Your emotions provide priceless insight into how you feel about what is happening, but you are not meant to always act on them.

Most times, emotions will alter the way you see things, and this can create problems. Keeping calm allows you to identify when it’s useful to lean into emotions and when it’s better to wait for them to settle. This gives you an enhanced awareness of the situation, and thus, a base for better decisions.