Beauty and love

Beauty is not logical, and even if people try to find objective criteria for it, like facial symmetry, they don’t tell the whole story. It is more accurate to describe beauty as a feeling. This explains why you see someone as beautiful, even if objectively they are only average.

Beauty is not meant to be explained, but to be felt. Everyone feels it in a different way, and the same thing, or person, is not beautiful to the same people. The way we have defined beauty in our society is flawed because the beauty standards we are chasing are not right.

Beauty can be found in anyone and anything, but you need to look for it, and at the same time it needs to be the right beauty for you. The way you feel when you find it is unmistakable, and this feeling is the only confirmation of finding it.

The smallest of things can be beautiful, and when you start to notice this your life will change. If you do it long enough, it becomes addictive. You become addicted to beauty, and you’ll look for it in everything, and this will enrich every moment of life, and every relationship you’ll have.

There is no stencil for beauty, though you are inclined to say otherwise, but this does not mean that is hard to recognize. Open your heart and mind to everything in life, and let beauty find you, and feel everything that it gives you.

There has been much written about love, but not many of us understand it. Love is not something mystical, nor is it a mix of chemicals in your brain, and love is in no way a transaction. Love is meant to be lived and experienced. It is present in every small kindness. It is present every time you give without expecting something in return.

So many times, you run from love because you mistake it for pain, disappointment, and being vulnerable. These might be present but love is not about them. It is more about being there for someone, sharing who you are without fear of being judged, and living with no fear.

Because of fear, you haven’t opened up to anyone until now. You are right, not everyone is worthy to see who you are, but you can’t hide forever. Oh, you can, but why do that when life can be more beautiful when you stop standing on the side?

To feel real love, you need to believe that you can be loved, and this is not an easy thing to do. For such a long time you’ve hidden from the world, letting in only what you thought was good enough. Love is about accepting what is not good enough in yourself so that you can give that to the world.