At your pace

What is in front of me in this life? This is a question that you’ll never be able to answer correctly. Yes, you can guess, and you can be right, but you will never be able to see everything. How could that be if even in the present you’re able to see only parts of life?

The lack of certainty is what you are afraid of, and that will never go away. You always have a choice, even if the results are uncertain. Standing here, all you can do is make sense of what is in front of you and be conscious about the story you create about the future.

This story is the closest you can get to predicting the future, but it has nothing to do with the reality of it. All you are doing is tricking your brain into believing the uncertainty is gone.

There will always be uncertainty in your life, but it’s not meant to make you afraid, on the contrary, it’s there to help you grow and expand, even when you don’t want to. Though you don’t want to admit it, you know this to be true. You can see it when you look back on the past.

No matter what you do, and how much you prepare, you will still be thrown into situations you’re not prepared for. You can either freeze in fear and try to get back to what you know, even if it’s bad, or you can hold on and end up a new person, a better one.

Things happen every day, and you can’t do a thing about that. At the same time, if you do nothing it’s easy to get distracted. So then, how do you manage? Well, you can’t manage anything else but yourself, and this can prove to be a difficult task most of the time.

Still, if you want to be able to do the things that matter to you, it is necessary to find an approach that allows for your mind to stay clear. A clear mind will not be pushed off balance by the many things coming your way, because it knows that most of them are not important, or they need only a little of your attention.

The more you are able to stay on the things that matter, the easier it becomes to ignore the ones that don’t. And you’ll have to do a lot of ignoring if you want to make progress on what is important. In short, you have to decide on what is important from all that is coming your way, and then use most of your energy on that. Of course, other things will ask for your attention but you’ll have to choose wisely if they are worth that or not.

Do things at your own pace, and make sure that you don’t get caught up in the whirlpool of information you are presented with every day. Much of it brings no benefit, and the part that is useful it’s usually not obvious. Make sure you educate your mind to find what is useful in everything that surrounds you.