An important day

This day is important because it’s the first time you see it. Even more, it is a day that has the potential to make all other days better. Your job is to see in this day everything that you want. There will also be some things you don’t want, but they can still be useful.

Use what you feel inside to help you navigate the confusion in front of you. It is the best compass you have. Though perceiving reality as what it is can prove to be the best way to keep your balance in a constantly shifting world, sometimes you must disregard reality completely.

Some dreams require complete confidence in their realization. This means that, regardless of what happens in your life, you know that what you want is already accomplished. There is still a chance you might be wrong, and what you want will never come true, but the road you’re traveling will feel easier if you see success as the only option.

This does not mean you should lie to yourself. It only means that as long as you don’t know, the future you desire is the only real option for you. So, look forward and see what you want. Keep it alive in your mind for as long as necessary.

Move towards it through your actions, and don’t let reality tell you that this is not for you. It is you who makes things real, and it’s also you are the one who can make them untouchable. So, be careful what you bring into reality.

There is nothing extraordinary that needs to happen in your life for it to be good. The things you do every day, the ones you pay no attention to, they are most of what life is made of. And while you are trying to find that one big thing that will make all the difference, you lose sight of most of your life.

That big thing that can transform your life, it doesn’t exist. It’s only a mirage to keep your mind busy while time passes, and you expire. Remember to immerse yourself in your own life, get lost in every little thing that you are doing, feel the feelings, and live.

Until now, you’ve been looking for something that doesn’t exist, and it took its toll on your energy and your faith. Now, you no longer believe in the wonders of the world. Well, that is not true. All of your life, there were small miracles all around you, but you never paid attention to them because your focus was on something else.

In the next stage of your life, try to notice what goes on in your life. See the beauty in ordinary things, play, and smile as often as you can. All that you’ve been searching for is present in everyday life. It’s made up of many small pieces, not a single big one.

Learn to live today, not just go through the day. The time you have is important, so stop wasting it. Let yourself be touched by the essence of life so that you can learn how to create more of it.